The Exorcist | reviewed by: Lee Weber | March 14, 2012
entertainment value
Still frighting 37yrs later, as the mood, music and feel of this film reeks of eerie realism. This is the ultimate horror film in my book.
genre Drama | Horror
synopsis Something beyond comprehension is happening to a little girl on this street, in this house. A man has been called for as a last resort to try and save her. That man is The Exorcist.
lead actors Ellen Burstyn | Max von Sydow | Lee J. Cobb | Kitty Winn | Linda Blair | William O'Malley | Jack MacGowran | Jason Miller | Barton Heyman | Peter Masterson | Rudolf Schündler | Robert Symonds | Titos Vandis | Donna Mitchell | Robert Gerringer | Mercedes McCambridge
director William Friedkin