Dark Night of the Scarecrow 2: Straweyes | reviewed by: William O'Donnell | June 21, 2022
entertainment value
Amateurish slasher sequel performed with the energy of a sloth who woke up late on a lazy Sunday then popped a xanax.
genre Horror
synopsis When Chris Rhymer and her young son, Jeremy, are forced to relocate to a small, rural community, they have no idea of the past terror that their presence will re-awaken.
lead actors Amber Wedding | Adam Snyder | Carol Anne Dines | Aiden Shurr | Tim Gooch | Mike Van Zant | James Hamblin | Richard Seng | Clyde Harper | J.P. Labengood | Barry G. Bernson | Bill Morley | Russell Spencer | J.D. Feigelson | Terry Rankhorn
director J.D. Feigelson