A Pistol for Ringo | reviewed by: William O'Donnell | April 12, 2018
entertainment value
Some fabulous bad guys, Kurosawa-esque plotting, good Morricone score, decent gun slinging action.
genre Western
synopsis Giuliano Gemma stars as a cool, cocky mercenary enlisted by a sheriff to infiltrate a ruthless gang of outlaws. Ennio Morricone provided the score to this early spaghetti western hit.
lead actors Giuliano Gemma | Fernando Sancho | Lorella De Luca | Nieves Navarro | Antonio Casas | José Manuel Martín | Manuel Muñiz | Juan Cazalilla | Pablito Alonso | Nazzareno Zamperla | Francisco Sanz | Jose Halufi | George Martin | Juan Torres | Frank Oliveras | Duccio Tessari
director Duccio Tessari